Thursday 5 May 2011

Monday 18 April 2011

Criteria and Brief

Project 2
Modular Learning

To create a modular learning centre in which people can inhabit at different times and perform a large number of activities. The learning will be heavily influenced by the break space. This built form incorporates modular architecture, with consideration to how it can change over time.

Project 2 pays homage to the values established in the Folie, but will ultimately evolve through research, and architectural exploration into a fascinating, unique and inspiring building which will touch on the follow attributes:
• Multiple uses (What the building is now and in the future)
• Multiple Users (Who will be using this space)
• Prefabrication (Changeable architectural form)
• Variation (In modular form)
• Whether or not this building is ‘upcyclable’ or decomposable or both

To design a multifunctional learning centre on the Howard Smith Wharf Site. To visit the contextual, geographical and social issues investigated in Project 1 again, identify key issues relevant to modular architecture. To gain a very good understanding of Modular Architecture, site, users, relationships to surrounding areas and Brisbane as a whole as a subtropical city.

Included Spaces:
• A break space
• Somewhere to acquire food + drink
• Outdoor spaces
• Individual study rooms
• 2-3 people study rooms
• Larger study rooms to accommodate group studies
• Toilets
• Entrance

Thursday 14 April 2011

Week 7: Lecture - Ruwan

Parametric Design Systems

I actually take this class as my elective. I find that it is a very interesting topic, but involves architects to change the way that they think about design. At the moment I am learning Bentley Generative Components. The program involves thinking about points and positions as well as how each element reacts when another is added. To me, it is about joining each element in a building to represent how they work with each other in a real life instance.

The uses of these types of programs start to change the view of a student architect. I have started to think in points and places and less in architectural aesthetics.

For use in my Modular Architecture Design, I think the knowledge of how these systems work, enables us to have a clearer idea of just how our buildings will be built, as well as how forms will affect each other when moved. This is very important in modular architecture, where it will more than likely be changing form.