Tuesday 8 March 2011

Folie Inspiration

Thoughts on: Folie

In the reading Paris / La Villette. : Bernard Tschumi by Bure, I browsed the images for inspiration for my Folie design, what I took from the reading was Tschumi’s fantastic ability to integrate his Folie’s into their surroundings. This can be seen in a few of the images in the reading.

(Bure. 2008) This image shows how Tschumi's Folie blends in well with existing architecture, even though they are quite different.

Lewis Hughes-Evans: Psychology of Space : http://artphilosophy.org/ourspace/?p=33

What is the Psychology of space? “a whole toy box full of playful, inventive strategies for exploring cities. Just about anything that takes pedestrians off their predictable paths and jolts them into a new awareness of the urban landscape.”

Joseph Hart, “A New Way of Walking,” Utne Reader July/August 2004

Krijn de Koning, Installation Hasselt (B), 2009, courtesy Demisch Danant and the artist.

De Koning is best known for his architectural interventions which transform spaces through an intuitive manipulation of simple geometric forms and the playful use of colour. His work, often installed in museums, galleries, churches and public areas, reconfigures common elements of familiar spaces, challenging viewers to reinterpret their surroundings.


This website has a large number of architectural installations which could be considered for my folie design.

Krijn de Koning, work for the Abbaye de Corbigny (yellow), 2006, Corbigny France, courtesy Demisch Danant and the artist.

Krijn de Koning, work for the Abbaye de Corbigny (yellow), 2006, Corbigny France, courtesy.

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