Sunday 20 March 2011

Folie Initial Sketches

Initial Sketches: highlighting the use of timber in context to the site, as well as maintaining initial ideas regarding shelter, and people using the space underneath. 

Platforms formed though the use of timber poles and steel platting. Up high to take advantage of the view of the river. Reconnecting with the SITE context. Traveling up the structure, shows flood heights, connection to site.

Over exaggerating the timber poles to provide a statement as well as stability.

Is there enough room in the 5m x 5m x 5m box to capture height and main idea of the building?

How people would use the Folie. Interaction through use and through sight. 
Sitting between the arches, best place for view, interaction in the middle of the site, creates a juxtaposition between Folie and Site Context.

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