Thursday, 10 March 2011

Week 2: Lecture + Reading

Design Though the Making : An Introduction:


Through our own interpretation of a folie concept, we should communicate our thoughts through our representations.


Design Though the Making : An Introduction:

The article is relevant to the Folie because a Folie is a representation of a single idea. A Folie can almost be described as a thought. A whispery ghost of an image what is being projected into this dimension. As Sheil (2005) states the prospect of realising ideas into built form is a transition during which some qualities are gained and others lost. This can be applied to the structure of a Folie, while the image is there and the structure is physical, the idea is blurred and the concept may be lost. Sheil (2005) uses CAD operating systems to determine a built form, to draw and to make. But in my opinion, a Folie cannot be made to represent a specific idea. It is a growth, which portrays its unique ideas to individuals for interpretation of purpose, in respect of representation, behaviour and form (Sheil 2005).

Sheil, B. 2005. Design through making: an introduction. Architectural Design 75(4): 5-12.

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